
  The key features of the series are:

  •Life Skills:Higher-order skills such as critical thinking, organizational, and learning skills that students need in order to be successful in their professional, academic, and everyday lives.

  •Language sub-skills with tips to support the development of the four language skill

  •Step-by-Step approach to grammar with grammar sections that provide a clear focus on the meaning, form, and function of the language.

  •Focus on functional language that helps learners improve their fluency and speaking skills.

  •Independent learning features throughout the course such as Notice!, Reflect and How are you doing? boxes that encourage learners to analyze their own progress.

  •A range of video material and related worksheets that support the themes and key language  from the Student's Book

  Student's Components

  •Student's Book Pack:Print Student's Book + webcode access to Student's Resource Center including videos with downloadable worksheets and Class Audio MP3s

  •Student's Book Premium Pack:Print Student's Book + webcode access to Student's Resource Center and Online Workbook

  •Print Workbook + Audio CD pack (available with or without key)

  •Online Workbook:Booklet with webcode access to the Online Workbook

  Teacher's Components

  •Teacher's Book Premium Pack:Print Teacher's Book with Class Audio CD + DVD + webcode access to Teacher's Resource Center, Online Workbook and Presentation Kit


  • ISBN:9780230479371
  • 規格:平裝 / 159頁 / 21 x 29.2 x 0.8 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 2/e
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >
  • 本書分類:> >



... 據XDA報導,日前有開發者通過反編譯Google Lens Apk包,發現谷歌正在測試「教育模式」,並準備為Google Lens添加離線翻譯功能。 ... 教育模式的說明中,顯示此模式可以對家庭作業提供幫助,通過對代碼的簡要分析,目前用戶可以使用Google Lens掃描數學題,但外媒表示尚不清楚教育模式是否足以支持複雜的問題。 ... 而另外一部分代碼顯示,用戶可以下載語言包,在沒有網絡連接的情況下使用Google Lens進行離線翻譯,代碼未註明用戶可以下載哪些語言包,外媒猜測應該會覆蓋大部分已支持的語言。 值得注意的是,Google Lens在「相機」模式下支持離線翻譯,這意味著離線翻譯的體驗將與平時非常相似。 ... 外媒表示,疫情的發展尚不明朗,但可以肯定的是,這對於許多遠程辦公協作和教育工具來說,是個不錯的發展機會。 ......










壹讀 https://read01.com/J8NK085.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010654675




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